It is a fairly simple question, with a simple answer I suspect.
There is a verse or two in Psalm 103 that tell us not to forget all the benefits that God has showered upon us. We should never forget that he forgives all of our sins and iniquities.
So, before I ask the question, let me propose another one first. Shall we deduce from this text above that we all have sinned and we are all in need of forgiveness; and that the forgiveness of God for all or our shortcomings and wicked sin is a great and a marvelous benefit?
To most of just about all of us, the answer is a resounding 'Yes', even though we may not hold to being too religious as such.
Of course, to be forgiven undeservedly and at no cost to ourselves, has to be the height of all benefits, and the most amazing grace that could ever be granted to us.
That someone else should give their life for me in exchange for every evil thought or act that I have ever committed, and every bad word or sinful look that I have ever been guilty of, is an exceeding act of unrepayable love and mercy.
But actually, that is not the question that I would like to ask. The verse I want to consider first is this:
'Forget not all God's benefits: bless the LORD, O my soul. He forgives all your sin and iniquities; he heals all your diseases; He redeems your life from destruction.'
Let me ask the question then:
The second statement in respect of benefits from God says, 'He heals all your diseases'.
Now, how can anyone be healed of a sickness or disease if they never get sick?
I have heard preachers say that people who are sick or have a disease have sin in their lives, and thus the affliction is due to some failing or other. The disciples had a similar mindset until Jesus corrected them. The man born blind faced them with a challenge: 'Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should have been born blind?
Jesus replied to their questioning with a simple answer. He said that neither the man or his parents had committed some sin that caused the affliction. This blindness was there so that in due time God would perform such a miracle that would bring praise and glory to his name.
Now, it is also true that sickness and affliction can come as a result of disobedience and sin, but if a person repents of their wickedness and puts things right, then God is ready and willing to turn things around and have mercy upon them. (See James 5:15)
Should believers ever get sick? Some would say that if they do, it is due to a lack of faith; but I cannot agree with this, and from my understanding of the Scriptures, neither does the Bible. Believers do get ill and face sickness and disease at times.
However, the promise from God is that he will heal us of all our diseases. So if we do not get a disease or become ill, why would he need to make such a promise and offer such a benefit?
Why again would he say, 'I am the Lord that healeth thee!'?
Again, in Isaiah 53, it states unequivocally, that 'surely he (Jesus) has born (carried, taken) our griefs and carried our sorrows.'
The word 'griefs' in the Hebrew tongue, means 'sicknesses'. 'Surely he has taken and carried our sicknesses, and carried (lifted off) our sorrows (our pains and griefs).'
Here is a so good reason to pray for healing, to pray for the diseased, to anoint with oil and pray for the sick to be healed and to recover (James 5:14-15).
Here is good reason to believe and have faith in God. Read Psalm 103 again and again until it becomes living faith in your heart.
Most private clubs in London offer their subscribers various levels of benefits. Among the great advantages of being a member is that you have access to their facilities, the opportunity to come in and relax, order drinks and food, and sit down with your friends in security and peaceful surroundings.
Further benefits may include a health and fitness programme and the opportunity to meet a network of like-minded people. Every club has exclusive opportunities, other beneficial incentives, and private medical schemes, for each of their members. There could be a music room and a gallery, and all sorts of other marvelous features to discover.
Now just think how the Kingdom of God has even more amazing benefits and exclusive opportunities for those who have the right to enter. The Bible is full of the advantages and blessings that become freely available to anyone who has the right of entry to such a blessed and privileged family. John talks about how members can go in and out and find all that they need in life to meet every situation and every requirement (John 10:9) There are no limits to what God has laid up in his storehouses for those who fear him.
Above the front doors it says, 'Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened down with care, and I will give you rest, The doors are engraved with the words, 'Enter by faith, and you shall receive life, and have it more abundantly. All that belongs to the owner belongs to you also.
The steps that lead up the path are scored with, 'I am the way, and I am the truth, and I am the life. No one can enter here and meet the owner, except through Jesus Christ.
BUT let me add one more thing, Salvation, forgiveness, and healing are available to anyone who will just call on the name of the Lord. If you do not believe that, then just read Acts chapter 3 in the Bible!
You will see that in the course of preaching the gospel to the unsaved, people are healed, set free from demonic powers, and get filled with the Holy Spirit. (Mark 16:15-20)
You ought to look up all these references I have included. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Read it, think deeply upon it, receive it into your heart, and go do it!
JGM 2022