'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

If you have a Bible and can pray

If you have a Bible and can pray, then you do not need any of the 'evangelistic' soothsayers on 'god-tv' or any of the other 'god' satellite channels. 

When the electricity goes off they will be gone in any case. God does not need electricity to perform wonders, neither does he need a glamour show of 'Christian' rock bands accompanied by smoke, flashing lights, and jiving singers singing the latest inharmonious offering from somewhere outback.

The loud mouthed women usurping authority over feeble-minded men attending their rich conferences for middle-class church-goers, are not sent from God. They are however part of the great delusion that has mesmerized the wealth and prosperity-hunters of new-age 'Christianity' (and that is what it is, I believe, as it is God who actually sends the strong delusion, and not the devil:  2Thessalonians 2:11 (Check it out))

When the nations rise for war and destruction (which they shall), and the world once more is sent reeling into darkness, all of the nonsense of what is an artificial faith in man-made, pseudo-spiritual glory meetings will disappear. All you will have left is disillusionment and fear; a congregation of hopeless and lost people wondering what to do next.

However, those who know the LORD, shall be strong and do exploits. Though the world crumbles around them they will not be afraid, for their faith is not rested in the writings or preaching of some plastic-reinforced face of a television evangelist, but in the Word of God (the Holy Bible) and their real and personal walk with God.

God is not in those big meetings or conferences that glorify the rich strutting 'peacocks' on the platform. There are 'gods' there, but the Holy One is not. Pride and pomposity, money and greed, fancy clothes and gold bracelets, oiled skin and Prada handbags, big cars and Rolex watches there may be, but certainly no Divine Presence. There may be laughter and joking galore, funny stories and comedians pretending to be godly, but there is no conviction of sin, neither the fear of God. God is most certainly 'not in the house'.

It is all a house of cards that will come tumbling down one day, whether that be in our lifetime or on Judgement Day.

Revival will never, never come through the lying charlatans or the sweaty preachers and their screaming meetings. It is all an empty noise of clanging cymbals and man-made idols. It is a house of clay set upon a foundation of straw. The rains will come and wash it away to perdition. Only the righteous shall be saved.

The 'greasy' slick preachers know all the words, twist the Scriptures to suit their own interpretation, and convince the very silly sheep that they are all going to be blessed, rich, and fat in God. It is all a lie. They do not hear from God. 
They tell stories from their own avarice and selfish imaginations, spinning Bible verses like magicians into convincing tales of wonder, teaching subtle lies and mistruths to the ignorant and undiscerning. They play the crowd professionally and have them in stitches, laughing like fools.

All you need is a real Bible, and time with God; and the truth will make you free and fill you with the knowledge of the LORD. Then it matters not a whistle whether you are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, a servant or a business person. 
Ask of God for wisdom, and he will give it without restraint. 

Modern Christianity with all of its clowns, dancers, playboys and magic shows, is an empty cistern, a feather duster that tickles the emotions and spiritual urges of a people who cannot be bothered to go up the mountain and wait on God for themselves until he be found of them. 

Between the unbelieving, creed-chanting, dry assemblies, and the frothing 'carbon-dioxide' entertainment churches, there is a great void of lost and disillusioned ordinary (yet extraordinary) believers who go nowhere on Sundays. They just gave up on all the rubbish and nonsense of artificial preachers and their artificial gatherings. They longed for the reality of God, but found nothing but a desert of parched wilderness, or the carnival of a 'believers' circus.

It is time to seek the LORD until He come and rain righteousness once more upon us. Let God arise: let his enemies be scattered.

If you have a Bible and can pray...………. 

2019         Telling it like it is... JGM

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