'In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire, or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.'
C.T. Studd (famous British missionary)

Soldiers, its time to get up and prepare for battle.

I have won more battles than I lost

It is easy to view yourself as a complete failure, especially when your antagonists vent their hatred toward you. But sometimes it pays to take a backward look over your life, and see what God has done.

‘Count your many blessings, name them one by one; and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.’

I have made more mistakes than most. But then it seems that I have had more battles and conflicts than many other believers ever seem to encounter. Whilst they sleep in their comfy beds, I find myself alone fighting a warfare that very few know anything about. 

The devil is only scared of those who he knows pose a serious threat to his kingdom of evil.

As I walked out last night under the midnight sky, I considered all of the travels my life has taken over so many years. I began to count the victories that I had gained by God’s grace since starting out on my Christian pilgrimage. And I realized that there had been far more victories than defeats!

We soon forget the positives when clouds of condemnation and the sly and dirty voices of accusation surround our souls.
Many of the victories that I remembered were very personal battles, when Satan sought to utterly destroy me. Others were breaking through the hoards of darkness to deliver light and truth into the most impossible situations. 

Oh yes, I have had far more victories than defeat!

It is true that the failures on my battlefield were dreadful and at times seemingly total in their consequence, but I have learned that what is impossible to man, impossible to the religious, impossible to the church, impossible to those who despise and frown, is altogether possible with my God.

From the dry bones in the parched desert, from the coldness of the graveyard, from the ashes of ruin and destruction comes the command to live! God tells us to get up, shake ourselves down, and throw away the grave clothes and the garments of corruption and despair. We are to adorn once more the garments of righteousness, and arise and shine – for the glory of the Lord is risen once more upon us! (Isaiah 61)

There are more battles to fight! There are more confrontations with evil to overcome! There are more enemies to crush under our feet! It is time to get back up and live to fight another day, and see the devil brought down.

Oh yes, I have had face to face confrontations with evil, and one who rose in my face to tell me that it was their personal mission in life to destroy me. And seek to do that utterly, they did. But God is bigger and better than all of their satanic assignments, and He will yet rejoice over me with joy unspeakable and full of glory!

My battle is not for the conversion of the demanding Islamists (if they wish to be saved, then let them be saved), neither the conversion of the multitudes of other religions pouring in from around the world.
My war is for my people, embattled against by deception and lies from the media, from those who hate and despise truth, and from a government which is led by demonic spirits and haters of God, more than righteous and godly men and women. The mobs and protesters out on the streets beating their chests and demanding whatever it might be from the cause they have been enticed into, gather their strength from the cowardice of a church too afraid to speak up, or just utterly lost in its own compromises. 

The fight is already set, the forces of evil and wickedness are already amassed across this nation. There are the dark and ever-increasing clouds of Satanism and Wicker stealing away our youngest members into the dark void of devilish slavery and blindness. There is the growing arrogance and God-defying armies of  those taken  captive by dark spirits who scream louder every day, seeking to remove all restraints of morality and common-sense from society.

My concern is for my people and for the salvation and restoration of this tribe that have forgotten their God for so long. We may be despised, but God remembers the prayers and works of former generations who spearheaded the gospel throughout the world, and took God’s word to the unreached and lost tribes of humanity.

I love my tribe. I love this nation. And for anyone to love this nation, it will mean coming to the fiercest battlefield that ever there has been in the history of the world. For the real Battle of Britain is yet to be fought.

This war will echo around the entire world, and the consequences of its outcome will make either devastating, or remarkable impacts upon every nation on earth.

It is time for the hidden warriors in this nation to arise and come to fight for our children and our families and our future.

This is not about getting yourself a platform to promote your skills, but this is about pain and fighting, and long nights and fearful days. This is about a glorious victory against all the vile hoards of demons and darkness; and about freeing our people from spiritual blindness and satanic misery.

If the church wants to play religious games and its followers want to enjoy the temporary peace of hypnotised religious ritual, then let them do so. If the ‘national prayer organizations’ are what you think will turn this nation around, you are greatly mistaken. These are just platforms for the named prancing preachers to advance their personal status. 
It gives them more airspace on television and the chance to show just how ‘important’ they are. Do they really love the people of my tribe? NO. But they will talk the talk, and write their books, and get invited onto all the stages the churches have to offer. 
However, they will not move a thing, and heaven will remain untouched by their glamour and pomposity, and our county remain unmoved by all their dreamy words and ‘prophetic’ utterances (which never come to pass in any case). What has been achieved by all of their gatherings even to this date? Nothing whatsoever.

As Paul said, ‘But of these who seemed to be something, (whatever they were, it makes no matter to me: God is no respecter of persons, names, or position:) for those who seemed to be somewhat important in conference added nothing at all to me.’

God is calling for soldiers (usually the unknown, the nothings of this world, the insignificant and rejected, even the rotten old backsliders) to come to the battlefield and pledge their lives and futures to the King of kings, and gird their swords on, and come and fight ’til the victory is won!

Yes indeed, I have lost some real fights and crawled off the battlefield severely wounded at times. But I am on my feet, sword in hand, shield at the ready, and looking for the warriors who got downcast, thrown away, damaged and defeated in the last battle they fought. For dry bones will arise and become an exceeding great army when the Spirit of God blows upon the slain victims of Satan’s hatred.

And God heals and restores and re-commissions, so that we can rise valiantly and dynamically in all of His glory and miraculous power.  We can look our accusers’ right in the face, and say, “Who is he or she that condemns us, who is this that judges us? 

It is God Himself who justifies us (who presents us just-as-if-I’d never sinned), and it is He who lifts us up and presents us righteous in His sight!”    Isaiah 54:17

And be certain of this, our finest hour is yet to come!

JM   Telling it like it is

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